View to the west from above the club repeater site atop Grant Hill.
- VHF: 146.800 MHz – Offset -0.600 – Tone 156.7
- UHF: 443.625 MHz – Offset +5.00 – Tone 156.7
- DSTAR: 440.800 MHz – Offset +5.00 (RPT1 VE7RMR B RPT2 VE7RMR G)
- 220: 224.880 MHz – Offset – 1.600 – No Tone
- VHF: VE7RMR Repeater Nodes – IRLP 1910 Echo Link 51910
- UHF: VE7RMR Repeater Nodes – IRLP 1849 Echo Link 44463
The VHF and UHF repeaters are equipped with backup power and are part of the emergency communications system. In the event of an emergency please restrict radio traffic to emergency communications only.
A note about repeater etiquette: Operating a repeater is not free. The costs of operating these repeaters are borne entirely by the club members through their dues and fundraising, MRARC has no other source of income. Radio Amateurs Canada (RAC) recommends that those who regularly use a repeater contribute financially to support it. If you are a regular user of a club repeater, please consider supporting the club through a donation or by joining and assisting with fundraising.
How to Use IRLP Locally
- Monitor the frequency and confirm the repeater is not in use.
- Announce your call sign.
- Using your radios DTMF key pad dial the IRLP node you wish to contact. Note that on the VHF repeater only the node number you want to call must be preceded with “A“.
- If the connection is successful you will hear a confirmation voice prompt. Use the repeater normally. Please remember to announce your call sign as you are now connected to a new repeater. Have fun and enjoy IRLP
- To disconnect use your DTMF keypad and dial 73
- Example VHF dial “A51788” will connect you to Edmonton VE6XVK
- Example UHF dial “51788” will connect you to Edmonton VE6XVK
- For more information on IRLP click here
- Link to a list of BC IRLP Nodes
- Canadian IRLP Nodes and Current Statuses
How to Use EchoLink Locally
- Monitor the frequency and confirm the repeater is not in use.
- Announce your call sign.
- Using your radios DTMF key pad dial the EchoIRLP node you wish to contact including the * in the node number. Note that on the VHF repeater only the node number you want to call must be preceded with “A”.
- If the connection is successful you will hear a confirmation voice prompt. Use the repeater normally. Please remember to announce your call sign as you are now connected to a new repeater. Have fun and enjoy EchoIRLP
- To disconnect use your DTMF keypad and dial 73
- Example VHF dial “A*51788” will connect you to Edmonton VE6XVK
- Example UHF dial “*51788” will connect you to Edmonton VE6XVK
For more information on Echo Link Click Here
Weekly Net
A weekly net is held on the VHF repeater every Wednesday evening at 19:30 hours (sometimes excluding July and August). All licensed ham radio operators are encouraged to participate. Click for more details.
Other Repeaters
The most accurate and up-to-date list of repeaters in the province is maintained by the BC Amateur Radio Coordination Council. Their current list of repeaters can be found here: