The Maple Ridge Amateur Radio Club is active in the community. One of the main functions of the club is disaster preparedness and club members are trained, equipped and regularly practice to provide communications support during disasters or failures of conventional communications systems. Club members have been involved with the Alaska earthquake of 1964, the Peruvian earthquake of 1970, Central America in the 1990’s, and more recently the Haitian earthquake.
In addition to disaster preparation, club members volunteer to assist many local events, often with communications support. These includeL:
- Goblin Patrol (Halloween security patrols)
- Scouts Canada Jamboree on the Air.
- Providing communications and safety oversight to Scouts Canada annual hike.
- Weekly EOC (Emergency Operations Centre) communications system tests.
- Communications assistance with Maple Ridge May Day parade.
- Pitt Meadows Days Fireworks (Security and Comms support)
One of the club’s largest events is a working display of radio equipment simulating emergency communications during a disaster. Amateur radio operators around the world participate in this event each year, termed “Field Day”. Using only portable equipment run on a generator, club members set up a communications station in a public venue and hold a contest with others around the world to make the most “contacts” with each other. The further away the better and generally hundreds of contacts around the world are made each field day by our club members. The club welcomes public interest in this event; if you’re interested, check the club’s calendar of events for the next Field Day.