Hyack Parade – Volunteer Event

The New Westminster Hyack International Parade is in need of amateur radio operators to assist with communications.  The parade is on Saturday, May 25th and volunteers are needed from around 08:00 and everything wraps up by 13:00. Assignments will include such things as assembly area, judging, shuttle buses, police, First Aid, with various Hyack and parade officials, P.A. announcer, dispersal etc.  Operators are welcome […]

Annual General Meeting & Election of Executives

Pitt Meadows Heritage Hall 12460 Harris Rd, Pitt Meadows, BC, Canada

The club’s monthly business meeting occurs on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 1930 hrs.  The meeting is held at the Pitt Meadows Heritage Hall.  Each June, the monthly meeting is the annual general meeting, including election of executives.

Field Day 2019

Field Day will be held June 22-23, 2019.  Look for additional details to be posted on the website.

GETI Festival

The club has been invited to participate in the GETI festival in Memorial Peace Park, Maple Ridge.   John (VA7JPM), Mike (VA7BZ) and Paul (VA7VX) will be attending.

Monthly Meeting

MRARC Monthly business meeting, 1930 hours at the clubhouse. Meetings are held monthly on the 1st Tuesday of every month, with the exception of July and August.  If a meeting falls on a statutory holiday, the meeting is rescheduled to the following Tuesday evening.

Delta Swap Meet

Delta Amateur Radio Club's "ComFest" Swap Meet will be held Sunday, October 6th, 2019 from 1000 am to 1 pm at the South Delta Recreation Centre, 1720 56th Street, Tsawwassen.  Admission is $5.00.  See full details here:  https://deltaamateurradio.com/wp/?page_id=94    

MRARC Fall Swap Meet

The MRARC Fall Swap Meet takes place on Sunday November 3rd, 2019.  Start time 1000, runs until 1300.  Doors open for sellers at 0830.  Breakfast starts at 0800 until 1000. Full details can be found here:  https://mrarc.net/swap-meet/    

MRARC Monthly Meeting

MRARC Monthly business meeting, 1930 hours at the clubhouse. Meetings are held monthly on the 1st Tuesday of every month, with the exception of July and August.  If a meeting falls on a statutory holiday, the meeting is rescheduled to the following Tuesday evening.

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