Field Day 2020 – New Plans.

Field Day is not dead!  As club members are probably aware, the club’s Field Day 2020 plan for Allco Park was cancelled, but Field Day itself is not cancelled.  It’s going ahead, just a bit differently.

This change was due to a large number of safety restrictions imposed on the club to be compliant with COVID19 regulations.  These included hand wash stations, washrooms, preventing public access and so on.  As such, the cost and effort required to get Allco Park made it impractical.  Club members are now encouraged to work individually at home or in small groups while social distancing.  This new arrangement is permitted by ARRL rules.

Some plans for smaller operations are now being assembled.  If you’d like to participate in a smaller outdoor operation of just a few people, please contact the club’s webmaster at <HisCallSign>   He will be assembling groups of a few people each.  You can BYO-Radio or use some of the club’s equipment.  If you’d like to participate in an outdoor operation in the true spirit of Field Day, please email the club’s webmaster at

Note that unfortunately to keep numbers small, this is for MRARC club members only.

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