Field Day 2020 is now in the books.  Due to the COVID19 pandemic, Field Day this year had a different look.  Several club members participated from their own homes using portable antennas and emergency power.  Two of the most adventurous club members did a remote operation in the true spirit of Field Day, using battery power from the woods beside a swamp.  Despite the clouds of voracious mosquitoes, contacts from the swamp were made all over North America.  On FT8 mode with less power than a small lightbulb, one of the two members was heard just north of Uruguay, France, England and 13,300 km to the southernmost reaches of the southern  hemisphere.

Several hundreds of contacts were made by club members around the world in this annual test.  A lot of fun was had by all participating club members and most importantly, it was a good exercise of skills using emergency communications under austere conditions.



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