Monthly meeting Tomorrow (March 5th)
MRARC club members- it’s that time again, don’t forget that the next monthly meeting will be held this Tuesday (March 5th) at the clubhouse. Usual time of 19:30 hours. The
Richmond ARC Swap Meet – April 6th
The next swap meet in the local rotation occurs in Richmond on April 6th. Their swap meet is held at the South Arm United Church at 11051 #3 Road, (SW
Burnaby ARC Swap Meet – This weekend
Amateur radio enthusiasts are reminded that this weekend, Burnaby Amateur Radio Club hosts their annual swap meet. It will be Sunday, March 3rd at the Queensborough Community Centre in New
Mike and Key ARC Swap Meet, Puyallup (Carpool?)
Saturday March 9th is the 38th Mike and Key Amateur Radio Club Swap Meet in Puyallup, Washington. This is the largest ham radio swap meet in the PNW region. MRARC
New Contesting Page
A new page has been added to the website devoted to contesting. You can access it here: Thanks to club member Paul English for the suggestion and links. If
Club Meeting – Feb 5th
Club members are reminded of the regular monthly business meeting which will take place on Tuesday, February 5th (19:30 hours) at the clubhouse.
CW Class for MRARC Members
Club members interested in learning CW are invited to a training session on the evening of Wednesday, January 16th at 1930 hours. Club members of any skill level are invited.
Yagi Antenna Repaired
The club’s yagi antenna atop the clubhouse is now functional again. The antenna was damaged in the late December windstorm that hit southwestern BC. Club member Keith (VA7YBU) volunteered to
New Record for Check-Ins on the Weekly Net
The Wednesday net has achieved a new record, at least in recent times. The Wednesday 2-meter net had a total of 21 check-ins on January 9th. The net runs every
Club meeting – January 8th
Club members are reminded that January’s regular monthly business meeting will be held on Tuesday the 8th at 7:30 p.m. The meeting, normally held on the first Tuesday, was postponed