Club Volunteers Needed for Halloween Night
Mel (VE7AL) is once again organizing the Halloween “Goblin Patrol” and needs volunteers. Those working the event will attend a local school and park there for 3 to 4 hours
Monthly Meeting Highlights
The September monthly meeting was held at the clubhouse on Sept 2nd. A quorum was present and minutes will be posted to the site as soon as they are transcribed.
Monthly Meeting to be Held Tonight
Club members are reminded of the regular monthly meeting tonight (Tuesday October 2nd) at 1930 hours at the club house.
Missing dog in Maple Ridge
An MRARC website viewer in Maple Ridge requested the club’s members be on the lookout for a missing dog (see photo below) in the area. Eli is an American Eskimo
Check-in Log for the Weekly Net
Who checked in last week to the net? Who checks in the most??? Starting earlier this month, we’ve been logging those checking-in on our Wednesday night 2-meter net. You can
A History of Ham plates in BC
Curious about how and when HAM plates got started? Did you know that the first plates with amateur radio call signs were issued in 1939? Michigan state was the first
Are you FoodSafe trained?
The club requires a volunteer that is “FoodSafe” trained to assist with the upcoming swap meet. You would simply need to be on-hand to oversee the food preparation; you aren’t
Archive Vault- Corn Roast 1975
The club historian took another trip into the archive vault and found some gold… Super sideburns, great old cars, and some classic outfits! The Maple Ridge Amateur Radio Club’s annual
UHF Repeater back online but still having issues.
Our club president Marty (VE7XX) reported on the evening of Sept 12th that the repeater was back online and might be repaired, but still needs additional testing to confirm. Our
The Vault: Field Day 1974
“Sundown” by Gordon Lightfoot and “Band on the Run” by Wings were vying for number 1 on the charts and just possibly playing in the background here. Once again, we’ve