Club members that haven’t explored the many offerings within our website might be unaware that we have a sister club.  The Ipswich and District Radio Club is located on the eastern coast of Australia.  They’re similar in size and in age to our club and became our sister club in 2011.

In this time of social distancing and isolation, our webmaster has reached out to our sister club to exchange greetings and discuss the possibility of some more interaction with each other.  We have proposed two possibilities:

One is exchanging a list of club members’ call signs and a challenge of sorts to try to work as many of each other’s members as possible, bands permitting of course.  No time limit and not a contest, just try to reach out and have a QSO with anyone from the other club, or even just an FT8 exchange.

The other proposed activity is a net on 2-metre IRLP for both clubs to “meet and greet”.  I’ll bet few in this club have actually ever spoken to anyone in our sister club, so this would be a great opportunity.  And what better time to break the social distancing monotony.

So, an invitation has been sent, we’ll see of our brothers and sisters down under are free for chat and if so, we’ll work out the details.  For now, stay tuned.  🙂

Below are recent pictures of Ipswich & District ARC’s clubhouse along with their new tower and beam installation.  And a map for those wondering exactly where they are located.


MRARC Thanks you for uploading.