We wanted to pass along the sad news of a well-known fixture in local amateur radio circles.  VE7ILW “Larry”, formally known as Donald Williamson of Burnaby, passed away this week.  Tonight’s 2-meter club net held one minute of silence in Larry’s honour.

During the net, many club members said kind words about Larry.  These comments spoke of his upstanding character and how he “made a mark” in the local radio community.  Club president and longtime-member Marty (XX) said that it was Larry that first introduced him to the club in the early 90’s, and he’ll miss Larry.  Another longtime club member, Eric, remembered Larry as far back as the 11-meter days when it was only Larry and about three others involved in the hobby.  Another club member had stories of Larry from the late 60’s as a “zodiac” member.  It was quite apparent that anyone that has been involved with radio locally was well aware of or knew and liked Larry.

While not a member of the Maple Ridge club, because of the impact he has had in local radio, the club dedicates this week’s 2-meter net to Larry’s memory.  73 Larry.


2019-06-14 UPDATE:  A memorial for Larry will be held on Sunday, August 11th (Larry’s birthday) at the Royal Hotel in Chilliwack (45886 Wellington Ave).  Those interested in attending are asked to RSVP at wdwilliamson@gmail.com to ensure a large enough venue.

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