Weekly 2m Net

The club operates a weekly “net” on it’s 2-meter repeater.  Frequency, offset and tone details are found on the repeater section of this website.

The net takes place every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and welcomes all licensed amateur radio operators to check in.   The net is very informal and especially welcomes newcomers to amateur radio, so don’t be shy; click the mic and say hello.  Starting in September, the club began a log of check-ins, for no particular reason on than interest and bragging rights.  You can find the CHECK-IN LOG HERE.

Often on Wednesday evenings when tuning-in, you may hear the Maple Ridge 2-meter repeater connected to a Saskatchewan repeater and a popular prairie net (run by “Doris”) in progress.  You’re welcome to check in on this as well and the repeater will be disconnected in time for the start of the Maple Ridge net.

The usual Maple Ridge net controller (Wayne) and backup (Paul) may occasionally need help when they’re absent.  The club also encourages others with an interest in being net control to self-identify.



2-Meter Net Controller’s Script

Check In Log

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