New Wires-X Repeater
An exciting development in the club; at the June 7th regular business meeting the club passed a motion to purchase and install a Yaesu Wires-X repeater. Many club members now
Maple Ridge Amateur Radio Club
A Hobby that Spans the Globe
An exciting development in the club; at the June 7th regular business meeting the club passed a motion to purchase and install a Yaesu Wires-X repeater. Many club members now
The club’s annual general meeting occurred on Tuesday, June 7th and next year’s directors were chosen. Returning to the chair of President is Dave Jewers and once again the secretary
Exciting news! The famous MRARC Swap Meet is BACK! After a two year COVID-hiatus, we are back to hosting the biggest and best swap meet around! Sunday, May 1st, 2022.
Interested in Fox Hunting? The next fox hunt will be held on Saturday, May 7th, 9 a.m. at Crescent Park in south Surrey. This is an 80-meter band fox hunt
The Vancouver Sun Run will again be seeking licensed amateur radio operators to assist with communications. The run takes places Sunday, April 24th. Amateur radio operators are placed throughout the
The annual Winter Field Day was a great success. Six brave club members turned out for the 24 hour event designed to hone emergency communications skills under austere conditions. This
The club deeply regrets to learn of the passing of current club member Ron Chatwin (VE7TWI). Ron passed away Saturday, January 8, 2022. He is survived by his wife Elizabeth
The club’s December project is going to be holiday-themed! We’ll be constructing a Christmas tree of LED lights, accompanied by all your holiday musical favourites and decorations. BYO-Egg nog. This
55 countries in a day! That’s how many countries that just one club member spoke with over one day. This was the last Saturday in October during the annual CQ
Club members are reminded of the regular monthly meeting this week on Tuesday October 5th at 7:30 p.m. Until further notice, all club meetings are held virtually on Zoom. The
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