The club is deeply saddened by news this week that 11:30 a.m. on Monday, January, 18th, our fellow club member Mark Mellish (VE7YMM) became a silent key, succumbing to complications from Corticobasal Degeneration, a rare disease.

Mark joined the Maple Ridge Amateur Radio Club in 1998.  He was an avid CW operator, in fact it was almost exclusively his mode of operation.  In 2009 the club assisted Mark with the installation of a large tower in his yard in Whonnock, some photos of which appear below and in the site’s photo album.  Atop that tower Mark added a Steppir beam antenna.  With a cubical quad on another tower, and a further 2m/70cm tower, Mark’s setup was the envy of many ham operators.  Mark also enjoyed building his own radios, and had a preference for Elecraft.

For many years, Mark hosted the club’s annual Field Day activities on his two acre property.  In 2016, Mark was voted as a permanent honorary MRARC member due to his dedication to the club.  Club members that knew Mark well said that he was a perfectionist; whatever he did, he did absolutely right.

Funeral arrangements have been placed on hold for the time being, due to the COVID virus.  When details of a service become known, we will advise accordingly.

The club wishes to extend our sympathies to Mark’s family and thank him for his service to the club.  73 to you, Mark, you will be missed.




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